The Call

Randy Rather
6 min readJun 1, 2020
Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

I couldn’t resist. Well, I’m sure I could’ve, but I didn’t want to. The call was just so pure. It reached out to me, not with words or even sound for that matter. I can’t even say it was in my mind, but it spoke to my very essence, my soul. I had no desire to disobey. Not even an inkling. It seemed no one did. All around me were others drawn, as I was, to the sea. I don’t even remember walking. It was more like floating.

Then an explosion. I don’t know what caused it, but I was hit in the head with something solid and I fell to the ground. Everything went dark and I was so dizzy that I couldn’t get up. After a few moments I was able to see again but still could not stand so I crawled to the curb and lay on my back. I was there for who knows how long, waiting for the world around me to stop spinning.

When I was finally able to get to my feet I saw that everyone else was still making their way to the sea. No one else seemed to even notice the explosion. And that’s when I realized, I no longer felt the call. What had been so profound and powerful before was now gone altogether, leaving me with nothing but a throbbing ache between my temples.

I tried to speak with some of the others but they ignored me and continued on. They were all completely oblivious to me. I tried shaking them, grabbing their hands, pushing them, anything to get their attention. But nothing worked. I even…



Randy Rather

I like to write stories. They’re usually weird, sometimes humorous, and on occasion, enjoyable to read.